Building Your Personal Brand

Framework curated by Isaac Cook, Ecosystem Manager at MindFrame Connect.

No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, your personal branding has power, and it moves you to greatness. It compels you to create a more authentic, aligned story for your life and is a foundational component to your success as a mentee. In partnership with Globalive Media and Anthony Lacavera, in this video and framework we discuss the power of ‘Building Your Personal Brand’ with best-selling author, 5x TEDx speaker and Founder of DYPB, Bobby Umar.

Discover Your Personal Brand (DYPB) has run North America’s Largest Conference dedicated to Personal Branding for the past 5 years. Their team also runs events, interactive workshops, masterclasses, along with a variety of online and in-house training year-round. Umar shares that being authentic is all about being genuine. It’s about asking yourself, who am I, and what do I have to offer? If you have a clear idea of what your objectives are and an idea of your personal brand, then you are well on your way to be equipped to ask for help, and more importantly, how to ask a question in a genuine, authentic way.

Everyone has a unique personal brand that allows them to stand out from other individuals. If you are interested in hearing someone’s story or personal brand, give them a space to share and ensure you are providing them with a safe, non-threatening environment that allows for authenticity.

The Need to Follow Up

As part of Umar’s own personal branding journey, he identified the need for follow-up and how it complimented his networking efforts. In one instance at the start of his career, Umar found himself networking with over 500 individuals at events. After speaking with them, he would distribute his business cards and encourage them to book a 15-minute call. The end result? Following the event, Umar noted that out of the 500 people, only 17 people had followed up with a message or an email – which highlighted the need for a following up after a conversation, and how it can be a game changer. This has now become part of his personal branding and communication style when meeting new contacts, and he encourages others to do the same.

Personal branding is trending, and there is a big reason why. Whether you are a seasoned CEO or executive, or a student just starting your career, you can leverage your personal brand to go from good to great on your leadership path. The real challenge is that while most people know what personal branding is and why it’s important, they don’t know exactly how to start.

Interested in learning more?

Explore MindFrame Connect’s resources on building your personal brand.

10 Golden Rules Of Personal Branding.

What can entrepreneurs learn from high-performance athletes? MindFrame Connect

How Authentic Should You Be In The Workplace?

Why MIT is Teaching Entrepreneurs Anti-fragility. MindFrame Connect

What’s the Point of a Personal Brand? Harvard Business Review

Entrepreneurship is an 8-year Journey. MindFrame Connect

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